The Health-Wealth Connection During Life's Transitions

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Close your eyes and imagine your future. What does life look like when you enter your 80s, 90s and beyond? Envision the life of your dreams in the years to come. Time spent with family and friends, grandkids and neighbors, doing the things you love most. Healthy, happy years. Now open your eyes and realize that the path to that life begins today.

The thing that we desire most in our future, longevity, is the exact thing that most challenges our future, because of the “health-wealth connection.” The length of our lives and the quality of those years are directly tied to our bank accounts.

The good news is that the number one investment that every single person can make doesn’t cost any money at all -- positive lifestyle modification. By improving your overall health and well-being, you cut down on the greatest expenses you could face in your future: healthcare costs. The decisions you make today will pay dividends down the road.

Positive lifestyle modification can take many forms. It includes physical exercise, emotional well-being, maintaining a proper diet, limiting alcohol intake or smoking, protecting yourself from the sun, hydrating properly and so much more. You don’t need to change everything at once; just take small steps each day and your wallet will thank you for it in the future.

The health-wealth connection is especially important to think about during life’s transitions. As we picture the next chapter ahead in our own lives, or for our parents and loved ones, it’s important to note that the choices that once served us may no longer be the best option for the future. The large home that was just big enough for your growing family might be difficult to maintain and keep up with, and unnecessary now that adult children have moved to homes of their own. A downsize, or relocation to an active adult community, could be the best thing to suit the lifestyle you want to lead now. No matter what your next living situation might look like, be sure to call in your Caring Transitions team for help. Our senior relocation experts create an individualized plan specific to your needs and handle all the packing, moving, unpacking, and resettling, so you can focus on the things that matter most: you and your family.

These times of transition offer a chance to step back and make a decision that could improve your health-wealth connection.


Going through a downsize is an opportune time to make changes to a home that will benefit your well-being.

Set your new home up in a way that prevents falls and injuries. Whether it’s for yourself or an aging loved one, consider adding safety railings to stairs, grab bars in bathrooms, non-slip mats to tubs, and extra lights to dim areas in your house.

A downsize is also the perfect time to declutter and rid yourself of excess “stuff” collected through the years, which can benefit your health as well. Our senior relocation specialists offer decluttering services that could change your life. It can be tough deciding what to keep and what to discard but with a team by your side, the physical labor is taken care of and your house will be clear of hazardous clutter that could cause someone to trip and fall in their later years. Things like old throw rugs, excessive furniture, lamp cords and more could be problematic down the road.

There are other benefits to life in a tidy, decluttered home


While the health benefits of downsizing will save you money in medical expenses, the actual relocation itself has obvious, yet substantial, benefits to your bank account:

  • No more mortgage or smaller mortgage payments on your downsized home
  • Less expensive home insurance
  • Cheaper utility bills
  • Less home maintenance
  • Lower tax bills

Your Caring Transitions Team will set you up for more financial savings by helping you profit from your old, unwanted items. Caring Transitions will set up an estate sale to sell your old belongings locally and can also list things on CTBids, an online estate sale platform connecting your items to bidders across the country.

Don’t put your future out of your mind just because it might be out of sight. The time to prepare for your future physical and financial health is now and a life transition is a perfect time to take action that will benefit you for years to come.

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